Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

That's right.

Merry Christmas to me indeed.

And thanks to my baby bro for adding to my increasing collection of pop culture history.

May it continue to grow and empty our bank accounts.

Happy Holidays !!! !!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Deutschland <3

I'm a fan of Germany (and it helps that I have cousins that are half German and live in Berlin) and I must publicly share my school girl crush of 3 German actors that have own my heart over the last couple of weeks. Thank you Quentin Tarantino for introducing me to their German handsome looks, charming acting skills (although there was nothing so charming about their characters in Inglorious Basterds), their ability to speak BOTH English and German.

3. Til Schweiger....Hugo Stiglitz
Why? I enjoy his laugh and his toughness in the movie. And he looks good in uniform.

2. Gedeon Burkard....Wilhem Wicki
Why? He is perfectly bilingual, is in one my favourite scenes in the movie (" 'Round about 12") , man-ly facial bone structure. And looks good in uniform.

1. Michael Fassbender....Lt. Archie Hicox
Why? Now, he's a good one. Half German and Irish, speaks German, has an English accent, played the badass Stelios in 300 ("Then we will fight in the shade" line). And looks good in a uniform.

The best part is that they were all in the same scene in the movie...and (spoiler alert) died in the same scene.


Now I have to find my own.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

very GOODE for me

This is Matthew Goode - aka Adrian Veidt aka Ozymandias - he has made it to my Christmas list.

If you must know, over the last couple of weeks, I have been obsessing over handsome European men. And the gentleman above is one of them. He's Brit and very nice to look at. And he is the reason that I bought the lastest issue of GQ - which is my Playgirl equivalent - good looking guys with their clothes on. Ahahaha! And they are dressed so well too. YUM!

Next blog, I will feature 3 very special gentleman that has thrown me overboard with German obessession. They make me giggle like a little school girl.


Friday, November 27, 2009

Exactly! x 2

Though I have never really been a victim of the "assumption that I am lesbian because I have short hair"...I have been a victim of being called "monsieur" or the best one yet "good looking asian boy" numerous x since I got my latest haircut.

This little rant makes me feel more in a million. Here.



I'm a totally down with this chic and her ways of fashion.

So, I'm down with the androgynous look. I can go both ways my friend...if I wanted to. Oh la la!

Tonight, c'est le gaga et le cudi. Tonight I celebrate talent, fashion and creativeness.

&. Finally got me a waist pouch not à la Gucci, Guess or whatever.
It's my very first of many purchases at Lululemon.

I even have room for doggy bags. The best part is that it was on sale without me knowing ahead of time....can I thank Black Friday?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Saturday, November 14, 2009

My alter ego emerges...

The fashionista is beginning to emerge. And I would like to thank my haircut for that. My Rihanna inspired hair-do was freed me. My eyes have finally opened to the fashion world that I have always been fascinated by since the beginning of my existence. But it is only now that I'm more conscious of the world of couture. Less voyeurism. More exhibitionist.

Voici le life changing haircut:

This new outlook is going to eat a hole in my piggy bank.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Accomplished....awhile ago.

I finally finished the puzzle...I finished on Oct. 12. Thanksgiving. Hahaha, nearly a month ago. I made sure I finished it before my vacation ended. And I only glued it the other night...because I kicked and destroyed two corners. A sign that I needed to glue it without further delay. Listen to your "signs" they are trying to tell you something.

Isnt it lovely!? Where do I put it now?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I <3 this man

This is Mr. Hudson. And I love him.

He has entered my life and I play his music like a broken record.
Thank you Mr. West for surfacing him from the underground.

Watch and listen:

White Lies

Sharing the love...even though I wish to have him all to myself.

"Time is all I fear
It’s why I just keep running
The quest for love was all that you and I held dear
With the beat still in your head
And a good book by your bed
We will survive"

Thursday, September 24, 2009

phase numero deuce

Hating my Blackberry. Shit's broken.
This is the time someone kindly donates an iPhone. I thank you in advance. Off to bed.
Another shitty day awaits. On vacation soon....with no place to go.

The puzzle adventure continues.

Ah bon! C'est Peter Pan!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Back in plain sight...with a 1000 pc puzzle

Listening at the start of blog : Use Somebody - Kings of Leon

Yes it is me.
And I have returned to talk about a puzzle. The challenge of season.

Beginning of phase 1.

1st to pieces.

End of phase 1.

Stay tuned for more uselessness.

Listening to at end of blog: Keep on Loving You - REO Speedwagon

Thursday, May 14, 2009

And the walls come down....

For the last two weeks, my mom kept telling us we had to start packing....but nothing was really done until yesterday and today. The more I reflect on it, the sadness behind my eyes build up...but I have cried just yet.

Each day I wake up, I keep telling myself "This is one more day closer..." My eyes are more open to my surroundings of PX. I'll miss the Greeks when they block the streets late at night during Greek Easter. I'll miss hearing the tennis games from my house. I'll miss the little kid down the street who thinks pissing openly on the sidewalk is normal.

I've lived here for 23 years. Sometimes I regret saying anything at all....

The living room...

My room...

Doesnt look like much now...I'm not in a rush.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Merlin: What are you doing? You’re slowing down, you’re slowing down!
Maverick: I’m bringing him in closer, Merlin.
Merlin: You’re gonna do WHAT?


<3 Spock

Put aside logic.
Do what feels right

- Spock, Star Trek 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009


i LOVE talking to myself on twitter!
i HATE who dont fckin' get it.
i THINK i've gotten too emotional for nothing.
i BELIEVE this generation of parenting needs a kick in the ass.
i FEEL overrated for this position.
i WISH people would just CHILL OUT!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


i HATE how I am so far away from Brian Hirano
i THINK i'm perfect for Brian Hirano
i BELIEVE Brian Hirano would love me at first sight
i FEEL for Brian Hirano day and night
i WISH i could be in find Brian Hirano

Obsessed. Yup!
Quest Crew #1

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Looking for a date for May 7.

Crystal Method - Wed, May 7 @ Metropolis



i LOVE hot packs
i HATE my "monthly" bill
i THINK i should take better care of myself
i BELIEVE i can write this script before the end of this week.
i FEEL disgusting.
i WISH there was no such thing as bills.

Monday, April 20, 2009


i LOVE Slumdog Millionaire
i HATE waking up.
i THINK i was wrong.
i BELIEVE i can have a good time this weekend.
i FEEL like burning my clothes and starting fresh.
i WISH i could cut off my cellphone line.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


i LOVE the Greeks (Happy Easter!)
i HATE these meetings.
i THINK i'm over my head with these kind of things.
i BELIEVE it can be done.
i FEEL hungry.
i WISH something would happen already.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


i LOVE the darkness.
i HATE cellphones.
i THINK i should go to bed now.
i BELIEVE i can do so much better.
i FEEL awake.
i WISH i didnt have to wake up so early in the AM.

103 questions (apparently)

* Disclaimer: I'm not talking about your mom in particular. I'm merely trying to funny. Please do not report your mom.

1) Are you really ready for 103 questions?
What’s your point?
2) Was your last relationship a mistake? Fcuk yea.
3) Do you believe in God? All day, every day.
4) Who is the last person you hugged? A real hug? Angelique and Caroline, my baby cousins.
5) When was the last time you drank Coca Cola? Tuesday
6) Have you ever been depressed? How did you know?
7) Have a best friend(s)? Your mom.
8) Who is the last guy/girl you talked to? My boss…because I’m at work.
9) ;;hadh;iugoyiogajdf (you'll see later)
10) How do you want to die? Sleeping.
11) What did you last eat? Sushi.
12) Have you ever been suspended? Last night, from your mom’s bed.
14) When was your last non-physical fight? Last night, from your mom’s bed. That’s why I was suspended.
15) Do you have an attitude? Don’t you sense it?
16) Keeping reading.
17) What is your real name? Veraida-Lyn Bermejo
18) Apparently this question doesnt exist.
19) Name someone you know whose name starts with the letter D? Daddy.
20) Do you hate anyone at the moment? Your mom. Aside from her, Yes.
21) Do you miss someone? I would say your mom, but you are probably getting pissed me at me. I miss 5 of them, havent met the 5th one yet, but I do miss that I havent yet. But that wont be the case soon.
22) Twirl or cut your spaghetti? I prefer twirling with your finger.
23) Do you tan a lot? Not on purpose.
24) Have any pets? My laptop.
25) How exactly are you feeling? I have sushi brain.
26) Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving? Of course. Because then I would be starving.
27) Ever made out in the bathroom? Sure. Every Tuesday.
28) Apparently this question doesnt exist either. Is someone racist against the number 8?
29) Are you scared of spiders? Of course not, then I would be scared of Spiderman.
30) Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? Yup.
31) Do you regret anything in your past? Yes definitely.
32) What are your plans for this weekend? Oh you know…
33) Do you want to have kids? Sure, I could use one more…..
34) Ever kissed somebody that name starts with an j? How did you know?
35) Do you type fast? Better than Pam I’m sure.
36) Do you have piercings? Look for them.
37) Want any more? Yes.
38) Can you spell well? W-E-L-L. Well.
39) Do you miss anyone from your past? Nope. That’s why they are in the past. Grandpa isnt the past. He’s with me all the time, most of the time. I leave him out of my private moments.
40) What are you craving right now? Gosh, all these questions can be perfectly answered with “Your mom.” I crave some sleep.
41) Ever been to a bonfire party? In my pants and you are all invited. Except you…
44-43) Shiet. Getting jipped. Now someone's been racist with the number 4....or racist against numbers that are multiples of 4. Oh me oh my!
45) Have you ever broken someone's heart? Apparently, I’m a jackass.
46) Have you ever been cheated on? Let’s count!!!!
47) Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? I probably made your girlfriend cry.
48) See my theory!
49) Would you live with someone without marrying them? Stupid question. Do roommates have to be married to live under the same roof?
50) What should you be doing? Working.
51) What's irritating you right now? Life.
52) So much more my theory.
53) Does somebody love you? Yes.
54) What is your favorite color? Green + Blue + Purple = MUD
55) Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle? Oh, so you saw what I did last night?
56) Now this is getting stupid.
57) Do you have trust issues? Yea, I trust that you wont laugh at my jokes.
58) When's the last time you ate fast food? McDonald’s breakfast on Tuesday, je pense.
59) Have you ever shaved in the kitchen sink? Wouldn’t that be a good show. I should start asking people to pay for that kind of thing. No more freebies!
60) Do you have a good relationship with your parents? Only when my parents are being funny selves. It’s a good laugh when my mom thinks closing her eyes real tight will help her remember things that I tell her.
61-62) ;ljj;akldj;ladjf;ahg
63) Who was the last person you cried in front of? God.
64) Do you give out second chances too easily? Yes, that’s why people take advantage of me. He should pay next time.
65) Is it easier to forgive or forget? Michael, you are the reason I drink to forget. – Meredith
66) Is this year the best year of your life? Nope. To everyone else it may seem so.
67) What was your child hood nickname? Ver-ah – family and older family friends.
Veh-rah. Everyone else.
68) ;a;kloauhdjgouioai *poot*
69) Do you think you're a good person? I give out too many freebies.
70) Do you believe everything happens for a reason? Screw karma. God’s got my back.
71) Whats the Last thing you did before you went to bed last night? On my laptop.
72) Mary.....mmmm....Mommy.
73) What is bothering you? The fact that I’m not there yet.
74) Have you ever been out of state? Escaping the law.
75) Da cow jumped ober da moon.
76) Are you listening to music right now? Yes.
77) Do you like Chinese food? Yes.
78) Do you know your fathers b- day? April 7.
79) Are you afraid of the dark? That was a great show.
80) Is cheating ever okay? FU.
81) Are you mean? FU.
82) Can you keep white shoes clean? No. That’s why I have 5 pairs of Adidas shoes.
83) omg.
84) Do you believe in true love? Yes. I love you laptop.
85) Are you proud of the person you become? Yes.
86) Do you like kids? I like YOUR kids.
87) How many do you want? How many do you have?
88) Do you like the outside? I dont like your face.
89) Are you currently bored? Did you just swear at me?
90) Do you wanna get married? Only if you are married.
91) Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you? No. I think it’s normal.
92) Are you hungry? All day, everyday.
93) Do you have a bank account? FU.
94) What makes you happy? Sleep.
95) Would you change your name? No.
96) Ever been to Alaska? No.
97) Is there a chance of a new tattoo or piercing soon? At the right time.
98) Do you watch the news? I am the news.
99) like anyone? I loooooooooooooooooove your mom.
100) Do you like Subway?? I like metro.
101) Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg, you're so funny.
102) Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them? All the time.
103) Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? What a stupid last question.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

i MEGA heart you, Adidas

Check it. This is the real meaning of rocking out.

Old School + Adidas = Love foreva.

Side note: I never wear Nike.


Posted using ShareThis

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Migraines be gone!!!

Migraine's suck ass.
I had a sweet migraine destroy my evening after supper. Ruined my night. Couldnt get any work done. I went to bed super early, hoping to sleep it off. Woke up at midnight. Twas still there. Woke up at 4am, the sucker was still there. But it was even worse. Couldnt fall asleep and I thought I wasnt going to make it to work. Started throwing up on an empty stomach. I was sweaty like a pig. It's times like this I wish I had a gun.

But by the grace of God, I managed to fall asleep and woke up with the migraine lost in history. All I felt was the aftermath.

Now I am back to normal.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Reflecting at 1:11am

So I was watching this trailer. It is 2:11 long, and in that time frame, so many thoughts ran through my mind...I thought I'd do some sharing....

1. Michael Caine = old man = remembering Grandpa
Lately, my brother and I have been talking about Grandpa and how much we miss him. Every thought of him takes me back to the day he passed away. I should visit him soon. Love you and miss you Grandpa.

2. Headphones.
I love my headphones. It is an important part of me because it zones out the noise of the world and zones in my love for music. I can zone out the crazy guy sitting next to me who is talking to himself zone in on some NKOTB, Chicago or Kanye.

3. Apprentice.
I believe in role models and mentors and the positive effect they can have on people who look up to them. I believe because I have role models. I have mentors. Now look at me. It is such an accomplishment to know that you've affected someone in a positive way and hope they will do the same thing to someone else. I hope I am a role model or mentor to some other soul out there. I hope I've changed their lives somehow....

4. Old people = story time
I've always admired the elderly and their ability to tell a good story about the life they've lived and experienced. You can learn so much from them. And the best part of it is catching that twinkle in their eye while telling it. I cant wait to tell my story one day....

5. "Make contact with the living"
I'm very unsociable at times. I could stay safely in my corner at a party where I dont know anyone and not even try to mingle. I've been given so many opportunities to meet new people, make new friends, gain a new lifestyle. But I'm open to those ideas. Not when I have to go out and chase for more friends just so I can "meet" knew people that I probably dont have anything in common with....maybe with the occaisonal guy to whom I can get into a deep conversation about about "Watchmen." But it will go night conversation as opposed to a one night stand. Ha. Ha. Ha.

Friday, March 27, 2009


c/o SoulPancake

Write a five-item list of things on your ‘to-don’t’ list.

Friday, March 20, 2009

140 characters speaks louder than 150.

So over last couple of weeks I've become a Twitter whore. I'm on it 24/7 checking the latest rants from peeps like Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore and Christopher Walken. Just today, I found Seth Rogen, the love of my life.

Paul Feig, director of The Office and other hilarious sitcoms, came up with this thing called Tweetales - Mini stories in 140 characters or less. I've been raping it since yesterday. I replied once to Mr. Feig and saved my everybody else. But the coolest thing about it is, he read it!!!!!! Hehehe.....

Here are some of my Tweetales. I dont know how long I will be keeping up with this, but you never know - 140 characters may turn into a feature film! (Some of them are similar because I thought they disappeared from Twitter but I found them).

my body fell heavy. i did not resurface. i'm at the bottom of the lake. before I closed my eyes for eternity, Nemo said "You are going home"

i gave my life to the one i love the most. i spend each day watching him kiss goodnight to his wife and kids. i will love him for eternity,

@paulfeig i am at the bottom of the lake. i listened to the sound of silence. i closed my eyes and nemo whispered "welcome home". (this one was saved by Paul Feig)

I ran down the flooded stairs. i crashed into him. we fell to the ground. he asked "is it me you're looking for?" i'm never late for work.

we danced all night. we were lovers for one night. she gave me her phone number. i never called her. 3 years later, i married her brother. (this one's my ironic)

the thought had crossed my mind. i looked away and there he was, beautiful as ever. he sat across from me. i never saw him on the bus again.

i sat on the rooftop to observe the dark skies. i saluted the neighbour across the street, making love to my boyfriend in my bedroom.

i filed for divorce from the man of my dreams.i sent him a package with all the documents. he never knew my name or of my existance.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Future

c/o SoulPancake

They say that if you write something down, you have a seven-times-better chance of actually making it happen. If that's the case, who needs a palm reader when you have a Sharpie?

Step 1. Grab your favoritest color Sharpie.
Step 2. Write something on your palm that you REALLY want to happen.
Step 3. Don't sniff the Sharpie.

Monday, March 16, 2009

My 10 Most Awesomely Spiritualest Moments at the Movies

c/o SoulPancake
10 movies that offered me experiences that changed the way I look at the universe.

1. Memories of Matsuko
2. Go
3. The Classic
4. Napoleon Dynamite
5. Amelie
6. Trainspotting
7. Moulin Rouge
8. Forrest Gump
9. The Notebook
10. Knocked Up

Friday, March 13, 2009

I am Pluto.

c/o SoulPancake
Write a five item list of who you would take with you to create a new society on Pluto

1. Patrick Wilson (for pro-creation...I cant wait!!)
2. A Starbucks barista (to fulfill my caffeine addiction)
3. Daft Punk (musical amusement)
4. Jesus (soul food)
5. Seth Rogan (to share jokes)

What the F?

I spent these many years investing my time.
Only to be lead in another direction.
Lead to believe that it could happen.
Lead to believe that there was hope.
Lead to beleive a possibility. Against all odds.
But then moments at a time, pieces of the puzzle come together.
Come together to reveal a truth that you hope wouldnt or couldnt be true.
I find pieces inside someone's jacket.
Inside a closet. Inside a drawer. Inside a cellphone.
Inside a conversation. Inside an emotion.
I find all the pieces.
But the last piece is hiding in two different places.
Strategically hiding, never to be found.
But you know what? Those pieces can remain in their hiding place.
I dont need to find them.

Because I already know what the picture on puzzle is telling me.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I wish.

I wish.
I wish I didnt waste $83. I made a stupid mistake.
I wish.
I wish he would stop.
I wish.
I wish my cellphone could pay for itself.
I wish.
I wish it was done already.
I wish.
I wish the moon could talk back.
I wish.
I wish I made better decisions in last month.
I wish.
I wish they would just admit it already.
I wish.
I wish I knew people like Ongina.
I wish.
I wish it was already over.
I wish.
I wish California was one metro stop away.
I wish.
I wish I could stand in a the middle of a field of tall grass, look up to the sun above and yell out "WHY, GOD!!? WHYYYYYY?" and fall to the ground crying, bang my fist, curl up in a fetus position and fall the sound of silence.
I wish.
I wish it were so.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Across the universe

If only my laptop was not 17" and uber thin and light, I'd have this thing attached to my other hip (my ipod is on the other side).

Been surfin' and turfin' these sites lately:
Is following famous people considered stalking?
It fills the cracks in my brain with Hollywood nonsense.

Kanye West's Blog
Where you at Yeeezy? I discover many things that I cant have or see in person. I envy the what the world has yet for me to see.
Twitter>Rainn Wilson>Soulpancake
I discover pieces of the world that are waiting for me to discover.
Display of items I cannot have.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A side order of owl please

Found this while browsing through
Life becomes a little brighter....yum like cupcakes.

Monday, March 9, 2009

I would wear his trousers any day!

Simple pleasures.
No matter how down I get, I always find the little perks in life, even though I cant actually have it. It's the actually jolt of electricity down my back when I watch or hear something that makes my heart skip a beat.

That aura of negativity that's been keeping me company since the beginning of the new month has not left my side.....but misery can sometimes come hand in hand when you need that special spark to make the day just a little brighter.

And below, I share my joie de simplicité:

1. Song - "Electric Feel" (Justice remix) - MGMT
2. Song - "My Cool" - Adam Tensta
3. Patrick Wilson.....or Nite Owl.....2 for one, both are yum
4. The Comedian.....because he's cool and he reminds me of a buffed up Robert D. Jr.
5. Will Arnett....he's hilarious and he looks like P.W.
6. The Office (no explanation necessary)
7. Thinking about Nite Owl when he jumps down and lands with knees bent and cape in full. More yum.
8. RuPaul's Drag Race.....gotta root for Ongina, reppin the Phils!
9. Watching P.W. dance in a Gap commercial
10. Can you tell how much I have it in for P.W.?


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Watch me!

I. Cannot. WAIT!!!!!

I'm catching up on my pleasure reading so that I'm ready to indulge full blown out action and actually understand what I'm watching.

This is probably the second book I've actually read before seeing it on the silver screen. It's fun to watch the trailer and actually recognize the some of the scenes.

Excited like a little school girl with a new boyfriend.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A *burst* of happiness

Don't you love it when something happens and this wave of love and happiness takes over your entire body.
The one thing in life I am so grateful for is laughter.
Without laughter, I would be manic depressive. I love laughing because it puts a genuine smile on my face. It's real. You cant fake such as feeling; that burst of joy in your insides that you cant control.

Basically, the whole point I'm trying to get at is that later this year my favourite comedy director - Judd Apatow - is coming out with a new movie called "Funny People" with Seth Rogen (love love love) and oh man! Eric Bana. I super enjoyed "40-Year Old Virgin" and "Knocked Up" changed my whole perspective on comedy and inspired me ten-fold.

When I saw the trailer for "Funny People," I was overwhelmed. I cant WAIT! I saw the trailer yesterday and havent stopped smiling since. Ba ba boo yeow!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Remember on my birthday, I went through that painfully long rant? Well, let's toss that idea into a pail of garbage juice (that way I dont have to rummage through it to get it back...ugh).

Since that inevitable failed attempt a week ago, which mind you, took place more than a year in advance anyways, things have been a little rough on the edges. We've been juggling around other ideas, but I'm not so convinced, but they are good tries.

My bubble of accomplishment was popped when she blurted out something that forced some future plans to be crumpled and tossed like yesterday's banana peel. I cant swallow negatitivity and lack of any kind of aspiration, especially when it comes from my own family. I dont want to go into too much detail and be an exhibitionist by revealing my entire life in another redundant blog....but put it this way...I only have so much room in my bubble, which I have to reformulate and blow one up again, but this time there will only room for those who are willing to make positive changes because they actually WANT those changes to happen. The advice that was given to me on my birthday this year as well as last year on someone else's birthday is very applicable to this situation. NOW I get it.

Now. Let's look at happy thoughts.

Paul Rudd. Rashida Jones. Andy Samberg. Jason Segal.
Hearts all the way.
Happiness awaits in March.
Watchmen. Adventureland. Monsters vs Aliens.
Mmmmmm moooovies.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Copy, right?

I used to draw. But I was never good at drawing off the top of my head. I was just good at copying. Not so original. Back then, I bought a sketchbook to practice drawing, grafitti, typography (is that an appropriate term). I thought I could be one of the cool kids that sits on the steps or in coffeeshop and draaaaw. Yea. No. Totally didnt happen. What's really nasty is that when I went through it today, my ex-boyfriend's name was drawn in. Ugh. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind would help get rid of that nastiness. I have no idea where I am going with this. I thought I would just show off the little artistic talent that I have. This lack of talent would be helpful to do storyboards. I have to resort to stick figures. Enjoy Super Mario and Pochacco. They look like friends.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Save me Mr. Neeson

He saved the Jews in Schindler's List. He mentored Obi-wan Kenobi. He tried to kill Batman.

Now he's kicking some sweet ass to find his daughter.

Straight to the point action. Intense from beginning to end. Liam Neeson has some wicked moves with just his hands.

A well team put together: Director of Banlieue 13, a script by Mr. Luc Besson, tall Irish man and my favourite city that I still have yet to visit - Paris.

Pure action with an actual story.....unlike Shoot'em Up. That movie didnt make sense. If I ever get kidnapped and sold as a prostitute, I hope Mr. Neeson is close by to run havoc in the streets of Paris to save me.

Random quote: "Pullover!" "No, it's a cardigan! But thanks for noticing!"

Monday, February 16, 2009

80s nostalgia

"Never gonna give you up. Never gonna let you down. Never gonna run around and desert you"

Before New Kids on the Block there was this man - Rick Astley himself. He is/was in Montreal this morning on VIRGIN Mix 96. Nostalgia hit ten fold. I still have his cassette and I still love this man.

I actually never realized he was British until this morning. It was this 80s popstar, that I knew I can only be hetero.

Random quote: "I am coming out HETERO!"

Together forever and never to part
Together forever we two
And don't you know
I would move heaven and earth
To be together forever with you..

PS. I've started a new blog because I love typing on my laptop keyboard. This outta keep me busy, practice my writing skills....since as of last week I've suddenly become a "writer." So feel free to keep up with my ridiculous and empty minded thoughts.