Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

That's right.

Merry Christmas to me indeed.

And thanks to my baby bro for adding to my increasing collection of pop culture history.

May it continue to grow and empty our bank accounts.

Happy Holidays !!! !!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Deutschland <3

I'm a fan of Germany (and it helps that I have cousins that are half German and live in Berlin) and I must publicly share my school girl crush of 3 German actors that have own my heart over the last couple of weeks. Thank you Quentin Tarantino for introducing me to their German handsome looks, charming acting skills (although there was nothing so charming about their characters in Inglorious Basterds), their ability to speak BOTH English and German.

3. Til Schweiger....Hugo Stiglitz
Why? I enjoy his laugh and his toughness in the movie. And he looks good in uniform.

2. Gedeon Burkard....Wilhem Wicki
Why? He is perfectly bilingual, is in one my favourite scenes in the movie (" 'Round about 12") , man-ly facial bone structure. And looks good in uniform.

1. Michael Fassbender....Lt. Archie Hicox
Why? Now, he's a good one. Half German and Irish, speaks German, has an English accent, played the badass Stelios in 300 ("Then we will fight in the shade" line). And looks good in a uniform.

The best part is that they were all in the same scene in the movie...and (spoiler alert) died in the same scene.


Now I have to find my own.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

very GOODE for me

This is Matthew Goode - aka Adrian Veidt aka Ozymandias - he has made it to my Christmas list.

If you must know, over the last couple of weeks, I have been obsessing over handsome European men. And the gentleman above is one of them. He's Brit and very nice to look at. And he is the reason that I bought the lastest issue of GQ - which is my Playgirl equivalent - good looking guys with their clothes on. Ahahaha! And they are dressed so well too. YUM!

Next blog, I will feature 3 very special gentleman that has thrown me overboard with German obessession. They make me giggle like a little school girl.
